Sunday 20 November 2011

Review: Drive

For this review, I am going to hand over to a guest reviewer, Paul Mitchell, for his thoughts on Nicolas Wending Refn's Drive.

I can see that Hugo appreciates an informal style of movie reviewing so I'll take that approach. Basically, I went to see Drive because I had free tickets. It's based on a novel, and another film version of the same story has already been made. Maybe it's better than the version I saw. I enjoyed it for the first 20 minutes, as Ryan Gosling's quirky silence and the 80s noir feel had a certain appeal. And the central idea - which is probably why it has been made into films - is really interesting: a Hollywood stunt driver moonlights as a getaway driver. I could see Michael Mann directing a script by someone with ability and this film being a knock out - so many nuances and points of interest for character development. But this Drive is in first gear and never gets out of it. Well, if you like cheap kills and thrills then it might be to your taste. And if you like that guy from Sons of Anarchy that looks like a Neanderthal Man then you might like it. But this film sucked in just about every way imaginable, except for the fact that, unlike so many of the characters, I got to leave the cinema alive.

Score: 3 out of 10

* one star out of five

Monday 10 October 2011

Review: The Shawshank Redemption

I came in to Shawshank Redemption with high expectations and I was still blown away. The poignant tale of convicted murderer Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins) and his struggles inside Shawshank State Prison, and his frienship with con-man Ellis 'Red' Redding (Morgan Freeman) is truly inspired.

The film sets the tone very well within the first 10 minutes: Andy has been convicted of murdering his ex-wife and the man she ran away with. Even though he pleads his innocence perpetually, Andy is convicted and sentenced to two life sentences inside Shawshank Prison. The prision is brutal; inmates are beaten, starved and worked to the point of collapse. Only the strong survive. But Andy is a smart banker and before long, he is put to work by the corrupt warden (Bob Gunton) in an illicit money laundering scheme.

Along with fantastic performances and relationships, Shawshank also has a plot that will keep you guessing at every turn. This movie has climbed the ranks of my Favourite Movie List.

9.5 out of 10

Sunday 18 September 2011

Review: Man on Wire

The french truly are crazy. And at the apex the of the pyramid of madness would have to be Philippe Petit, a daring tightrope walker. And if that wasn't crazy enough, he also likes to walk across famous landmarks, including Notre Dame and the Sydney Harbour Bridge. But Philippe's dream was to go bigger. And in 1974, there was nothing bigger that the World Trade Centre. Like I said, crazy.

This acclaimed documentary follows Phillipe and his group of friends (more accurately 'disciples') who plot the event. It is very personal and exhilarating and you'll feel your pulse jump every time a guard walks into the room. But these happen oh too rarely, as most of the film is just Philippe going back and forth between France and New York. But the film does give you something to think about: Phillipe's friends are very willing to help him achieve his dream, even know they know that if he falls, they could be charged with assisted suicide or worse charges. It just makes you think: how charismatic was this man?

After I had heard all of the rave reviews (Man on Wire was is currently at the top of their Best Films List), I came out feeling a little disappointed. It was good, but definitely not  the greatest film of all time25wire-600.jpg

Score: 6.5 out of 10

Review: Once Upon a Time in the West

Once Upon a Time in the West is a classic western, directed by Sergio Leone (The Good, The Bad and the Ugly etc.) and starring Charles Bronson and Henry Fonda, who play is opposing gunslingers in the town of Flagstaff. It starts off very quickly with a trainhouse robbery within the first minute. Then, Harmonica (Bronson) arrives, and things start getting pretty hairy. It has a classic Leone feel, which is helped by the haunting Morricone soundtrack.

Watching this movie 40 years after its release, you can very obviously see it's influences with the movies of today, but not in the places you'd expect. There are comedic pauses and revelation face-zooms to name a few. These occur often and I almost laughed a few times when I saw them.

Back in the day, this movie might have been the definitive western and it probably still is today. But  for the modern viewer, I don't think this serves for any more than nostalgic entertainment.


Score: 7 out of 10

Saturday 10 September 2011

Movie Experience

Well, today was the first time I have gone into a movie and come out still having not seen it.

It started at Cinema Nova, where I was with my dad and sister and we were going in to see Pina, the documentary about legendary dance choreographer Pina Bausch. After buying the popcorn and M & M's from the Candy Bar, we headed into the highly disorientating Cinema 3. It seemed the audience were a pleasant bunch, with people asking my dad for the scores in the match between West Coast and Collingwood. Then the movie started projecting. Onto the curtains. A lady from the crowd went and told the employee outside the door about the dilemma. He quickly came in and phoned the projectionist about the problem. After about two minutes, the curtains opened and the movie began.

We got about one minute in, before the sound started breaking up. The same employee came in and told us they would have to reboot the system. After about five minutes, they rebooted the system and the movie started playing again. It lasted a couple of seconds longer, before the same sound crackling kicked in. They restarted the movie, with the sound breaking up at the same spot. After three more efforts to get the show on the road were all flustered, we eventually gave up and left. I still don't know if it was any good.

Friday 9 September 2011

First Blood

Hello, my name is Dom Willard. Obviously, that isn't my actual name. If you are a true movie buff, then you would have known that I have combined the names of two movie characters: Dom Cobb from Inception and Captain Willard from Apocalypse Now, two very popular characters from two very popular movies and two of my personal favourites.

At the end of every post, I will be posting a Top 5/10 list. It is very difficult for me to put all of these fantastic movies in order, so it will just be a group of movies in no particular order. And if you are thinking of a movie I should watch so it can be put in my Top 5/10 list, I really recommend leaving a comment for me. I will also be posting reviews every once in a while, and also diving into the archives to review older movies and also just leaving my opinions on everything movies!

5 Comic-to-film Adaptations

1. The Dark Knight
2. Spider-Man 2
3. Batman Begins
4. Iron Man
5. Superman: The Movie

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